3.5 months in. Happy overall

3.5 months in. Happy overall

Started Oct 1st, 91kg. 1550 kcal daily average for the last 3.5 months and 6 days in the gym with an upper/lower routine mainly. 1-1.5 hours cardio on average per week too. Happy with the progress

Alabasta had one additional 'hidden' Guardian Deity/Spirit, making them a Trinity rather than a Duo: "Ra", The Winged Sun

If seeing this in Laravel makes you 🤮, get Sentry.

If seeing this in Laravel makes you 🤮, get Sentry.

Frivolous cases being entertained by courts. (ToI, Lucknow Page 7).

Centre me rumal le jaana allowed hai? Aur paise?

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前天父母的老房子刚过完户给我当婚房,昨今两天立马收到小区附近,甚至同个小区内搞装修的电话,还有中介问我要不要新房子? 装修的直接报出我所在的楼栋,地产中介也知道我这套房子值多少钱,给我直推差不多价位的新房子,呵呵,所以电诈究竟是谁在监守自盗? 我朋友说他当时卖了房子,起码被骚扰了两年,太可怕了

[Virtual Insanity]

Song/Album reference: “Virtual Insanity” by Jamiroquai Abilities: VI possess the ability to produce wires from its neck that when connected up to the back of a person’s head will allow the user to control the connected person/people’s actions and see through they’re eyes, the user of VI is connected to their stand by a large bundle of cables coming out of its stomach that allows the user to see and control those connected through thought Appearance: metallic grey skin with navy blue accents stretched tightly over a mechanical skeleton, 4 fingered mechanical hands and feet, the stands head is humanoid with two small black eyes and a cone like structure covering its neck, the connection that VI has to a person can be severed by destroying the wire connected to them or the user which will eliminate all the connections Stats: Power D (the stand is rather weak and not suited for direct combat) Speed D (the stand usually sits passively next to the user) Range B (while the large cable connection to the user is relatively short at 10 feet the cables connected to those controlled by the stand can extend to an infinitely long distance) Durability D (both the stand and it’s cables have a low level of durability) Precision C (while the stand’s ability allows for complete control over a person the cables themselves need to be connected manually Potential B (the user gains complete access to the resources of anyone he has control over such as using a trained fighter in combat or a person trained in the medical field to patch up their wounds) Sci-fi inspiration: the concept of a hive-mind such as The Borg from Star Trek New contest theme: a stand shared among multiple users e.g. Tomb of the Boom and Tattoo You!

Which booster should I apply?

I don't watch football so I have no idea

"> I don't watch football so I have no idea

We don’t owe Bush a damn thing!

You guys think the AK117 + QQ9 a great combo loadout in BR?

Which Sig to choose?

I don't have any GI cards, LAD team (all diamond). Is it better to get the player with the highest base stats and just do grade increase reset? I'm guessing picking the higher base stats is good for longer term but best short-term would be the diamond Sig?

"> I don't have any GI cards, LAD team (all diamond). Is it better to get the player with the highest base stats and just do grade increase reset? I'm guessing picking the higher base stats is good for longer term but best short-term would be the diamond Sig?

Term Insurance

I have read in the kvk website that term insurance is beneficial for business people or freelancers or entrepreneurs basically whosoever is not in a paid employment by an employer or a company. My question is , is it beneficial for the people who are in permanent employment to have term life insurance ?

Svaka cast druze.

Da pohvalim vlasnika na ovom potezu i da pozovem sve Novosadjane u subotu da odemo do Barika kao znak podrske ovom coveku. Svako ko se bavi ugostiteljstvom, zna koji je udarac po dzepu ako lokal iz nekog razloga ne radi jedan dan. Pogotovo vikend, sto je u ovom slucaju, za ovaj lokal izuzetna bitna stavka. ✋🏼

"> Da pohvalim vlasnika na ovom potezu i da pozovem sve Novosadjane u subotu da odemo do Barika kao znak podrske ovom coveku. Svako ko se bavi ugostiteljstvom, zna koji je udarac po dzepu ako lokal iz nekog razloga ne radi jedan dan. Pogotovo vikend, sto je u ovom slucaju, za ovaj lokal izuzetna bitna stavka. ✋🏼

I get what I want. Always. 😈

Perri perri fries and coke

AITA because i don't feel bad for getting kicked out of "school"

A little information for understanding. I live in a country where you don't have the "American School concept",you don't go to kindergarden->elementary->middle school->high school->college. In my country you go to kindergarden->elementary->school(middle and high school are connected)->college or training for a job. Also here you can't drop out and it's law that kids have to go through ten years of school to finish it (1st to 10th grade). You don't have other people with each class,you have a group up to 30 people who you spend every class with. Also after elementary school you have the choice of three middle +highschools,lets just call them lower diploma school,normal diploma school and higher diploma school. (If this confuses you,just google "german school system) So I've been bullied my whole school life and i had to repeat my 9th school year two times but didn't make it to 10th aka graduation year both times. After that i went to vocational school to do the 9th year again and get my normal deploma but got a 9th year lower diploma,so i took another year on vocational school for a 10th year lower diploma. Immediately i took myself out lf the group because most of them were from an higher diploma school and i didnt feel the connection.also they had already made comments the second i walked into the room. A few weeks ago my school schedule went weird.there were many times where the tacher wasnt there and we got sent home,not enough students were there so we got sent home,the bus not driving because of the weather and more stuff like that where i couldn't make it to school or stay at school and learn. Yesterday i got a letter from my vocational school,it said that i was being kicked out of school because i wasn't at school too often. I didn't have to pay money since i already went through my 10 years of school so i just got kicked out. Weirdly i don't feel bad about getting kicked out,my mom is really supportive and drove to some stores to ask for a mini job. Most of the stores said that i could only work there if i was eighteen, wich im turning in 4 months. I don't know if its the bullying i experienced my whole school life or because i hated going to school since i have severe Panik attacks and two students of my class fainting and the teacher not doing anything didn't help. But i actually feel free,i haven't felt this free for 5 years. I finally don't have to stay in the school system cage.i had to take a nap every day after school because it was so exhausting,physically and mentally. I feel free and worry less.i can finally work an getting my dream job,wich doesn't have real training. So AITA ?

Need help. Lake Isabela.

PS5 Platform. Need help on the location. For 10-15 minutes. Also we may become friends)

Bulk Article Generation [25% Off code: REDDIT25]

Bulk Article Generation [25% Off code: REDDIT25]

10 k tl ile kısa vadede en çok ne kazandırır?

I can't access my email

Hey all, I've been trying to access my uni email through the student portal or trying to log into office 365 with my email but it keeps coming up with "something went wrong". Idk if I'm doing something wrong. Any help will be appreciated. Thanks! ![img](a4kbqnnrhbee1)

Defense Deoxys, add 705827336140

Idk guys, I might be just a little obsessed with Cyran

100% soft villain vibes

How can I add shadows to text in Photoshop?

I'm working on a design and want to make the text look interesting by adding some shadow effects. What is the easiest way to do it in Photoshop? Should I use the drop shadow effect or is there a better way?

How to scare a Sky player


The Philosophy of Crime: Understanding Justice and Morality

Running Ranked?

Many of us are tired of dealing with what feels like bot teammates on ranked, I'm sure. I'm one of those people. The way that SBMM is implemented is not right. The way in which the enemy team is 99% sweats while my teams are full of vegetables who don't know right from left is ludicrous. I'm Legendary and I've been getting dog-walked left and right. Went from 8.7k yesterday morning to 8.2k, with a K/D of 1.20 to a now "beautiful" 1.02. I've had a 8 loss streak within these 24hrs and quite frankly, I'm fed up. That being said, would anyone wanna group up and run ranked with communication and actual team work? Most probably won't reply to this but to the few that feel the same way, let's win some games.

PSA 10 candidate?

My first big pull, an appraisal would be appreciated!

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